The person who procrastinates about other things while writing this drivel is

Saturday, August 12, 2006


This picture is here for a quick review. This is history. At this point, the tile and wallpaper had already gone.

Last night, while WH curled up comfortably in a chair sipping products from Kentucky hollering to me, "There's a Harry Potter Movie on TV!" and "I'm watching The African Queen!" I stoically kept painting woodwork and priming the walls around the toilet. It was worth it. (I think we have these movies on video, anyway). This morning WH yanked the pink toilet so I could proceed with wallpaper without that getting in the way. Look at these pesky, tenacious tiles! They were right behind the toilet tank. Maybe I'll save them to make into a tray for the new bathroom!

Ok, so I removed those tiles, scraped their mastic and primed the area with Kilz. Wall size came next and then, something really worthwhile: WALLPAPER! I think I got those stripes on, nice and straight! I hope my friend Kathy, who taught me to wallpaper back in 1988 or so, would approve. I never hang paper but that I think of her and those first few strips she helped me with, also in a bathroom but one with many cutouts for switches, mirrors, etc. Ever since then I have also tried to get rid of as many of those things ahead of time, like the lights, medicine cabinet and today, the toilet!

Once I wrapped half the room in paper, WH installed the new throne. Hooray!

One thing I'm really pleased with is how the stripes lined up on this lighting soffet. I took my time with it since I knew that if it didn't look right it would bug me every time I went in there. Being a coffee drinker, I knew this could truly affect my life. I really love this fixture that we put in back in 1999. I dislike those bathroom fixtures that have exposed bulbs, the kind that look like tulips hanging over. What was the designer thinking? There is a glass cover for the bulb... but you still see the bulb. I don't get it. We searched long and hard for something I could live with and I still am in love with it so it went back up today.

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