The person who procrastinates about other things while writing this drivel is

Friday, August 11, 2006

Enter: The Tub!

The second new tub arrived yesterday afternoon and we inspected this one before the truck left. It seems to be perfect. Today, we hauled it in and placed it in the bathroom. It took some fanagling to get it in the spot. In our efforts to maintain existing wallboard we actually shortchanged the size of the access we needed to be able to slide the tub into place. In the picture above WH is actually cutting away wallboard so that the tub will be able to slide in. It wasn't as easy for us as it sounds but now that it is there we both agree that we never want to do this again!

Here you can see the tub in place. What a relief!

The wall patch didn't dry and cure yesterday. Perhaps by tomorrow will be the day for the new toilet and wall finishing behind it.

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