The person who procrastinates about other things while writing this drivel is

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

THIS is what a minivan is for

We resisted getting a minivan until our sons were of the age that they could buckle their own seatbelts. I just observed too many adult behinds sticking out of the side doors of minivans while the owner of said behind buckled in a little one to want to BE one of those people. We've been pleased with this one since about 2000 but never as happy as we were today when we put this into her:

The pink tub, after a day in the sun and a camp out on the front lawn, got heaved into the back of the van for its final cruise. It seems the dump takes two days off each week, Sunday and Monday.

Here is a shot of my hand peeling away the remains of the wallpaper. Earlier I had peeled the vinyl layer. I know they sell wall paper stripping stuff and you can rent fancy power tools for this job but I've always had good luck with warm water and vinegar. I had prepped this wall and hung this paper about five years ago and so I believed it would give up easily and it did. It took about an hour to do the whole room and now my fingernails are all cleaned up.

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